
The merino sheep are coming!

Publicado el 25/08/2021

A more than thousand sheep counting herd with animals from different farms from the area around Cabeza del Buey (Badajoz province)

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Water is life

Publicado el 18/08/2021

Vinha Velha

Publicado el 15/08/2021

Fundación Monte Mediterráneo signs a cooperation agreement with Vinha Velha

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Fortunate in misfortune

Publicado el 13/08/2021

Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia)

Publicado el 11/08/2021

...if you happen to pass by Cervera de Pisuerga...

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Our sheep in the North

Publicado el 08/08/2021

Fundacion Monte Mediterráneo’s sheep are sharing the mountain meadows of Pando

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Moving homage for Manuel Rodríguez Pascua

Publicado el 04/08/2021

Impressions from the Dehesa San Francisco - seen by Heike Mai

Publicado el 31/07/2021

Safety check of the surroundings

Publicado el 24/07/2021

A day on the Dehesa San Francisco

Publicado el 17/07/2021

The Summer School of the Asociación entre amigos

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