The merino sheep are coming!

The merino sheep are coming!

Publicado el 25/08/2021
The merino sheep are coming!


A more than thousand sheep counting herd with animals from different farms from the area around Cabeza del Buey (Badajoz province) will “take” the village on August 27th and thanks to the support of the local administration will shape the villagescape. On the monumental Main Square, the Lord Mayor and representatives of GO OVINNOVA give some speeches.

The herd is on its way from the mountain meadows of Vidrieros (Triollo, Palencia province) to the stubble fields of Perazancas de Ojeda, village district of Cervera de Pisuerga.

All pasture land within the GO OVINNOVA has been certified organic within the project.  

The GO OVINNOVA is financed by the Spanish Ministry for Agriculture, Fishing and Food and the European Union via the European Agricultural Fund for Rural development (EAFRD)


