Tim and Max... a little story...

Tim and Max... a little story...

Publicado el 03/03/2018
Tim and Max... a little story...

In Germany there still exists the wonderful and wise tradition for craftsmen to “go on the tramp”. After finishing their vocational & educational training they wander around for at least 3 years and one day – always away from home. They stay where they are offered accommodation and food and  after they have finished work, before they journey on, they receive a little money for travel expenses. This tradition goes along with some interesting details, for example: the young people usually leave behind their surname and only use their first name and they carry a “wanderbook” where those who gave them, shelter can sign. When they hand out the wanderbook to be signed by the host they touch it with a fingertip so the responsibility for the careful handling of the book is taken over by the host.

Tim & Max – the two carpenters -  came to the Dehesa San Francisco because their neat traditional clothing drew the attention of friends who, on their way to the Dehesa San Francisco, met them on a service area... and brought them.

You can see their work on the photos.

